BEGINNING JUNE 3 & 4, 2023
Since we have begun our Road to Renewal as a Family of Parishes in mid-February, one of the first things
we have had to address is the fact that our four parishes, which had been served by three priests would have to accommodate the fact that, going forward, would only have two priests assigned to the parishes within the family. We
recognize that it is impossible to maintain the previous weekend Mass schedule of eight Masses on a weekend
amongst the four parishes, celebrated by two priests. The Liturgy pillar group was tasked with developing a new
Mass schedule to address this situation. We were fortunate to have Father Bryan Zielenieski, who graciously volunteered to cover the Masses in Arcade and East Arcade, while a Mass schedule could be worked out. Initially, Fr.
Bryan committed to being with us until the beginning of May, which was our goal to implement a new Mass schedule. As we realized that the beginning of May brought First Communion celebrations and Mother’s Day, and, later in
the month, the Fiftieth Anniversary celebration of Father Alfons Osiander’s priestly ordination, we felt it was prudent
to wait until after these events to alter the schedule. Fr. Bryan has graciously agreed to extend his commitment
through the end of May. The Liturgy pillar group has proposed the following Mass schedule for our Family of Parishes, and Fr. Al and I have agreed to it. Beginning on the weekend of June 3rd and 4th, the Masses will be as follows:
Saturday evening:
4:00 P.M. at St. Aloysius, Springville
5:00 P.M. at St. Jude, Sardinia
Sunday morning:
8:00 A.M. at St. John the Baptist, West Valley
9:00 A.M. at St. Mary, Arcade
10:30 A.M. at St. Aloysius, Springville
11:00 A.M. at St. Mary, East Arcade
We realize that the new schedule will require an adjustment for many parishioners, and we want to give you
time to decide which Mass will accommodate you and your family. Please be assured that you are welcome to attend
Mass at any of our worship sites and envelopes placed in the collection basket at each worship site will be given to
the parish it is intended to go. Liturgical ministers are also welcome to serve at any of our Masses you attend, regardless of whether it is at your parish worship site or another worship site.
Thank you for your support of our Family of Parishes and your patience and flexibility in our Road to Renewal!
Happy and Blessed Easter, Fr. Dan Fawls